Trends in Interior Color for 2024

2024 has a lot to offer in terms of interior colors.

One sure way to upgrade the home’s interior is by bringing new colors into the picture. Colors have a way of conveying style, the latest trends, and setting the mood. For homeowners who have fun trying out different interior feels, it’s normal to get curious about what interior color palettes 2024 offers. Here are some of the trends to expect:

Creating soft spaces with a pink undertone

Although mauve is an old color, it has been returning to interior spaces in bigger and better ways. For starters, mauve is typically purple with pale yet concentrated hues between violet and pink in the color wheel. With more pink undertones, it gives a soft and cozy feel suitable for living room, bedroom, and bathroom walls.

For homeowners who prefer other soft, neutral colors, they can integrate mauve in furniture pieces such as sofas and armchairs.

Bringing outdoors inside with soothing blue 

Blue is a timeless color that will gain more popularity in 2024. The shades that will be common include baby blue, sky blue, powder blue, and ocean blue, which all evoke relaxation. The best part of these colors is that they are easy to work with since they pair well with neutrals that have become common in interior spaces. Furthermore, the blue shades resemble natural elements such as the ocean and the sky, bringing a touch of the outdoors inside. 

Using earthy colors to harmonize the interior with the natural surroundings

Warm, earthy colors are versatile, as they work well under any lighting and can adapt to suit any style. The earthy colors common in 2024 include stony brown, greens, soft beige, and gentle spice. These colors aim to harmonize the interior with the natural surroundings visible through the windows. Besides, their warmth makes the house vibrant and sophisticated. 

Creating drama and calmness with moody, elegant colors

For the past couple of years, bright colors have dominated interior spaces. In 2024, people will shift to more shadowy hues like navy, forest green, black, or eggplant. For these dark colors to feel more accessible and less gloomy, they’ll require some contrast with popping colors such as white, cream, and light gray. The mix will give the room a deep, moody feel. 

Because moody, elegant colors absorb light instead of reflecting it, homeowners must be mindful of their lighting to ensure that their home isn’t too dim. 

Let the home’s interior shine!

2024 has a lot to offer in terms of interior colors. By exploring all available options, every homeowner can find a color suitable to their preferences. After finding the right color, contact a local professional for a spotless paint job.

M & B Painting, a Father-Son family-run business, has a proven record of Service Excellence in residential and commercial interior and exterior paint projects. Call us at 623-289-3366 for all of your painting needs!